The Contour Next Gen Blood Glucose Meter is a great choice for patients who prefer a highly accurate, easy to read and comfortable to handle meter. A large display screen and rubber buttons. Second chance sampling allows patients up to 60 seconds to reapply more blood if needed. Target range indicator light and seamlessly connect to the Free Contour Diabetes App
- Works with Contour Next Test Strips
- The Contour Next Gen system has been shown to deliver highly accurate blood glucose readings
- Easy to Use. Large display screen and rubber buttons
- Seamlessly Connects to the Free Contour Diabetes App
- Target range indicator light immediately identifies blood glucose readings as above, below or within target range
- Second Chance sampling allows up to 60 seconds to reapply more blood if needed
Kit Includes
- Contour Next Gen Meter
- 10 Microlet Lancets
- User Guide
- Quick Reference Guide
- Carrying Case